Bolyard's Auto Sales (2025)


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used car buyer, used car dealer, vehicle trade-in program
car dealership, car rental
Type of work
window tinting
Additional equipment and electrics
climate control diagnostics
Chassis repair
parking brake adjustment

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(260)456-42...— show


3101 Fairfield Ave, Fort Wayne, IN 46807
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Reviews about Bolyard's Auto Sales


/ 87 reviews and71 ratings

Rating is formed based on customer reviews, ratings and telephone surveys.

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  • Matthew M.

    September 6, 2022, 2:27 am

    Great service with nopressure tobuy. Missy was great helping usfind acar for our daughter.



    • Demetrice B.

      August 3, 2022, 1:13 pm

      Great people



      • Tim Z.

        July 22, 2022, 3:23 pm

        Missy, Jen and Robb are thru the roof!! Would give 10stars ifI could!! Keep upthe great service with low pressure!!



        • Michael R.

          July 8, 2022, 9:03 pm

          Great place good service great people



          • Naydean H.

            June 7, 2022, 5:00 am

            Thay are very nice people thay try tohelp you out asmuch asthay can Iwas very happy with them.Thank you Bolyard's



            • 5.0

              Zach C.

              May 20,

              Filled out anonline credit app tosee what Icould beapproved for and within aday they matched mewith avehicle! Mysales person was Jen and she was super helpful and made the process easy!



              • Queen O.

                April 8, 2022, 11:35 pm

                Never will Ishop here again heput mein adefective vehicle Ibought arendezvous thought itwas agood car pay but over $4000for itor more come tofind out Iget halfway across town toSaint Joe Center, Road and adinging sound just went off and itjust kept going off and itwouldn’t gooff literally and ithappened the whole time Ihad avehicle there was nothing that the lot could doand itonly came onafter driving for solong which was ashort period oftime and they knew this but theysold the car and then got over again four to$5000never again IfI could give nostars Iwould– show



                • Company's official reply

                  April 19, 2022, 9:03 pm

                  I'm sorry that you feel like you had abad experience withus. Ilooked uppast history sales for Buick Rendezvous and the last one was over 5years ago that wesold. Are you sure you have the right dealer? Just trying tomake sure since ithas been solong.



                • J M.

                  February 15, 2022, 7:47 pm




                  • Company's official reply

                    April 19, 2022, 9:04 pm

                    Thank you for the stars!



                  • 5.0

                    J M.

                    February 15,




                    • Thomas B.

                      August 23, 2021, 4:12 am

                      If you are looking for acar dealer that ishonest and cares, it's Bolyards. Webought avehicle from them that had amanufacturer defect. They put usin anew vehicle the sameday. They stand behind their word. 5Stars!



                      • Company's official reply

                        April 19, 2022, 9:06 pm

                        Thank you for your nice review! Weare soglad wecould helpyou!



                      • 5.0

                        Thomas B.

                        August 23,

                        If you are looking for acar dealer that ishonest and cares, it's Bolyards. Webought avehicle from them that had amanufacturer defect. They put usin anew vehicle the sameday. They stand behind their word. 5Stars!



                        • masterblaster j.

                          August 1, 2021, 5:25 pm

                          Prompt and professional service. Nohard pressuring like other lotsdo. Will keep John's card for future buys.



                          • Company's official reply

                            April 19, 2022, 9:04 pm

                            Thank you somuch for your kind review! Hope tosee you inthe future!



                          • 5.0

                            Masterblaster J.

                            August 1,

                            Prompt and professional service. Nohard pressuring like other lotsdo. Will keep John's card for future buys.



                            • Anitra S.

                              July 28, 2021, 12:59 pm

                              We had avery good experience with this car places



                              • Company's official reply

                                April 19, 2022, 9:07 pm

                                Thank you for the review Anitra, weappreciateit! Hope tosee you inthe future.



                              • 5.0

                                Anitra S.

                                July 28,

                                We had avery good experience with this car places



                                • Jenee K.

                                  June 16, 2021, 3:11 am

                                  Hello I’m aa loyal customer ofyours!!
                                  And Isent acouple ofcostumers your way because Iloved the customer service you gave mebut, inthe same token Iwas promise a$50dollar gift card from each customer sent your way and ihave yet toreceive anything it’s not about the money but ifI’m sending LOYAL CUSTOMER your way Iwould think you guys would appreciate the good reviews Igive out I’m never late always ontime give good reviews but onyour guys end itdon’t seem tobe the same intake
                                  even ifyou never send the appreciation ofa good LOYAL CUSTOMER....
                                  I still wanted tosend this email asa bad review hope you guys tocontinue togrow asa business but Iwill never send anyone else yourway!!!
                                  – show



                                  • Company's official reply

                                    June 16, 2021, 9:25 pm

                                    Sorry you feel thatway! The customers you sent over, have toput your name onthe form they fill out asking ifanyone referred them sowe know who togive the referralto. Idon't see aJenee Kelly inour system assomeone who bought acar fromus, soare you sure this isthe right place? Please let usknow who you referred and wecan look upthe form and double check onthis foryou. Thankyou!



                                  • Bree Y.

                                    May 5, 2021, 12:48 am

                                    I would recommend this place toeverybody! They helped meget exactly what Iwanted for aprice that fit mybudget! Rob was great, never gave meany problems and has helped mein every aspect. Goget acar from them rightnow, you won’t bedisappointed.



                                    • Company's official reply

                                      June 16, 2021, 9:27 pm

                                      Thank you somuch for your kind words! Glad wecould help!



                                    • 5.0

                                      Bree Y.

                                      May 4,

                                      I would recommend this place toeverybody! They helped meget exactly what Iwanted for aprice that fit mybudget! Rob was great, never gave meany problems and has helped mein every aspect. Goget acar from them rightnow, you won’t bedisappointed.



                                      • Joe T.

                                        April 9, 2021, 9:40 pm

                                        Did not have what Iwas looking for



                                        • Company's official reply

                                          April 19, 2022, 9:07 pm

                                          Sorry wedidn't have the vehicle you were looking for but thank you for the 5stars! Hope wecan find you one soon!



                                        • 5.0

                                          Joe T.

                                          April 9,

                                          Did not have what Iwas looking for



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                                          Average rating- 4.4based on87 reviews and71 ratings

                                          • Fort Wayne
                                          • Vehicle Services in Fort Wayne
                                          • Bolyard's Auto Sales
                                          Bolyard's Auto Sales (2025)


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                                          Article information

                                          Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

                                          Last Updated:

                                          Views: 5659

                                          Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

                                          Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

                                          Author information

                                          Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

                                          Birthday: 1993-08-23

                                          Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

                                          Phone: +9958996486049

                                          Job: Sales Manager

                                          Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

                                          Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.