Comprehensive, Personalized Medicine
True personalized medicine in an impersonal world.
This shift in primary care allows us to give you a closer, better experience with your doctor at an incredible value while still allowing you to use your insurance benefits for covered services. Personalized, holistic appointments, communication and support, and access to a collaborative team of providers, is just the beginning. While we do require all patients billing insurance to choose a plan, we recommend this program for every single patient. It encourages the proactive wellness care you want in your life and the lives of your family, and at the PLUS tier includes some amazing cash discounts and free services.
We look forward to working with you on your personal path to wellness with AIM Concierge Care.
Comprehensive, Personalized Visits
A conventional doctor sees you for as brief a visit as possible and only discusses a single symptom or complaint, from a conventional perspective. Concierge Wellness allows our doctors to provide comprehensive visits that can address multiple complex wellness concerns such as diet and lifestyle changes, and even discuss potential alternative therapies, home remedies, and natural supplementation.
Closer Contact To Your Doctor
Get the peace of mind that comes with the ability to contact with your doctor. From a baseline of email contact with your physician, to phone access and priority scheduling with WellnessPLUS, AIM is committed to being there when you need us. In addition to that, you get the benefit of a collaborative care team of experienced NDs.
Works With Your Health Insurance
We work with your insurance company to pre-verify benefits, and to follow up with rejected claims, when most clinics leave you to fend for yourself. Concierge works with your insurance, not as a replacement for it. While insurance allows for billing of many aspects of your care, our concierge program covers the non billable aspects to which you have access.
True personalized medicine, WellnessPLUS is what we believe primary care should be, and is the option we recommend for all patients. Including preferred access to your personal doctor, as well as cash discounts on wellness products, this is our best value.
- Holistic, Personalized Visits with your AIM Physician including any non-billable care or discussions
- Preferred Scheduling including same or next-day visits at doctor’s discretion.
- Access to your doctor through the patient portal, by email, and phone, even about topics not related to your last visit.
- Complimentary B12 Shot each Month ($35 value)
- Complimentary In-Body Body Composition Scan ($35 value)
- $200 yearly credit on Lab Testing*
- 15% Discount on all AIM Products and Cash Services, Including IV Therapy and Acupuncture
- Lab, Prescription, and Billing Support
- Free Shipping on Purchases over $50 (after discount)
starting at $99/month
Full Plan Details
Sign up for WellnessPLUS
This is a baseline that allows us to continue to offer the high quality care you have come to expect at AIM, including personalized visits to discuss the holistic nature of your health, as well as potential alternative therapies and natural remedies. Contact with your doctor through the patient portal for your convenience. With a collaborative team working together on your behalf, you get the benefit of always having a connection point at AIM.
- Functional Visits with an AIM Naturopath for non-billable discussions and care; access to the Collaborative Care model at AIM, under the direction of medical director Dr. Brooke Azie-Rentz
- Access to your preferred doctor through the patient portal
- Health and Wellness News and Information from AIM Providers
- Non Billable Lab, Prescription, and Billing support
- Invitations to special events, programs, and non-billable therapies
starting at $25/month
Full Plan Details
Sign up for Wellness Basic
Per-Visit Option
Although we strongly recommend one of our monthly options, this flexible option allows you to access the premium care at AIM for a single additional fee each visit.
In this option, patients pay a per visit fee at the time of service, and are entitled to the same benefits as our WellnessBASIC option, covering all non-billable costs associated with your care as well as limited communication through the patient portal in the two weeks following your visit. It’s a great option for those patients who may only see their doctor annually but still want to get the personalized care and lengthy visits offered at AIM.
$45 per visit
Contact Us To Learn More
Concierge WellnessPLUS Plan Benefits
WellnessPLUS allows AIM patients to access a level of health and wellness care that is far above the norm. In a world of impersonal care that focuses only on quick symptomatic fixes, AIM strives to bring back a time when you had a real relationship with your doctor, and that doctor was a guide for your whole family, helping them to stay healthier, happier, and more active throughout their lives. While the insurance industry would never pay for this level of care, AIM can bring it to you for a low monthly cost in addition to usual insurance billing.
- Comprehensive, Holistic Naturopathic appointments with your personal doctor to address more of your concerns and to develop a treatment plan that may include alternative therapies, natural remedies, supplementation, or other non-billable discussion
- Access to your personal physician through patient portal and by phone if needed, including medical advice while traveling.
- Low patient to doctor ratios—doctor’s practice size is limited to 200 total patients assure more personalized attention and availability
- Priority Booking Times (Lunchtime; 4pm-Close); Same or next-day appointments if needed
- $200 Annual credit to use each year toward your choice of specialty lab testing. (requires one year commitment)
- Free B-12/B-Complex Shot available each month (requires appointment)
- 15% Discount on All Products/Supplements and All Cash Pay Services including ND Visits, IV Therapy, and Acupuncture
- Free Monthly InBody Body Composition Scan (Requires appointment)
- Special Cash Pricing on Select Lab Testing in consultation with your AIM Physician
- Health Education, Articles, and Newsletters written by AIM doctors
- No charge for late cancellations (within 4 hours of your appointment)
- Free Lab, Prescription Refill, and Billing and Insurance support
- Free Shipping on Supplement Orders of over $50 (after discount is applied)

Concierge Wellness Basic Plan Benefits
This is a baseline that allows us to continue to offer the high quality care you have come to expect at AIM. This helps to mitigate the cost of care not paid for by insurance, holistic office visits with comprehensive wellness, lifestyle, and diet advice, as well as insurance support, non-billable email contact, and other non-billable care.
- Comprehensive appointments to address more of your non-billable concerns, including Naturopathic or other alternative treatment options
- Lower patient to doctor ratios than conventional primary care clinics to allow for shorter wait times
- Limited portal access directly to your doctor or care team for questions related to your care through the patient portal
- Collaborative care with AIM providers, under the supervision of medical director Dr. Brooke Azie-Rentz, ND.
- Free Lab, Prescription Refill, and Billing and Insurance support from our office and office staff
- Specialty Cash Pricing on Select Lab Testing in consultation with AIM Physician
- Health Education, Articles, and Newsletter written by AIM Providers
Concierge Wellness Care FAQ's
Why can't you just bill my insurance? Insurance is already so expensive, how is it fair that I have to pay an additional amount?
The short answer is: we do bill your insurance just like has always been done. The problem is that your insurance only pays for certain things directly related to your complaint in a visit and the standard of care solutions that complaint entails. The premiums, co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles you pay per your contract with insurance companies covers a visit with your doctor, but does not cover the scope of what may be discussed with your Naturopath.
Our program covers the care in that visit that is outside the scope of that insurance billing, plus gives you a bunch of additional value, allowing you to really focus on proactive health care.
There are clinics and offices that will simply bill your insurance, and provide you with superficial or less personalized care; however, our doctors believe in a higher standard of care, and that is the reason we ask patients to sign up for a Concierge Plan. Concierge allows our providers to practice holistically and still make ends meet in a world run by insurance companies who try, through their policies, to water down your health care offerings and discourage you from seeking care.
Once I'm signed up for Concierge, what are the expectations around contacting my doctor?
The WellnessBASIC Plan is our baseline plan and allows for limited email contact directly with your doctor through the patient portal, and the PLUS Plan allows for both email and phone access directly to your doctor. That represents a pretty gray area though, so clarifying the norms and expectations around doctor contact is important.
First, please remember that part of Concierge Care is having a staff that can help you with many of your questions. For example, our In-House Billing Specialist is available if you need to discuss a bill or an insurance issue. Our Medical Assistant is available if you need a prescription refilled, or to perform a routine blood draw. Our Reception Desk is available if you want to schedule, or have general questions. Please use those resources as needed.
Second, if you have a question directly for your doctor, then please do not hesitate to email, or, in a more time sensitive setting, to call. Our goal is to return an email within 3 business days and for PLUS patients to get back to you over the phone as soon as possible.
We’re human too, and not perfect, but we work hard to meet that standard. Keep in mind that the communication you get from your doctor will vary based on what the doctor thinks is necessary. For example, you may email a question one time and receive a long, detailed response. For a different issue, the doctor may only need to respond with a sentence or two. For a still different issue, the doctor may need you to come in for a visit to discuss the issue.
If for some reason you have emailed and do not get a response, please kindly re-send, or give us a call to let us know you sent a communication. Sometimes wires get crossed, or something gets missed, but we want to make sure your needs are met.
Each provider has an email link in their bio page on this website, for easy contact. You can also use thewebsite contact pageif you would like. Patients on the PLUS option can call their provider directly, or call the clinic line, and select the “after hours line” to be routed to a provider after the close of business. Sometimes the after hours line will go to voicemail, but that is for screening purposes and if you leave a short message you should get a call back shortly.
In the case of a life-threatening emergency, please always call 911 directly.
Is there a concierge plan that gives me cash discounts on supplements and services?
Yes! Our WellnessPLUS plan gives patients cash discounts on products and services that are paid for in cash at our clinic. That includes supplements, IV Therapy, and cash acupuncture. Many patients, particularly IV Therapy patients, like this option because it results in significant out of pocket savings for them. In addition, Wellness PLUS patients get preferred scheduling, which is very valuable to some patients with particularly demanding schedules.
Is there a long-term contract? How do I cancel?
When you sign up for a Concierge Plan, you pay the first monthly cost at time of signup. After that, we auto-bill the Plan cost on the first of each month. If you would like to cancel, please send us the request in writing or through email.
You can cancel any time, and there is no long term commitment. Please remember that if you cancel, you can always sign up again.
Also remember that if you cancel before 1 year, certain benefits in the Wellness PLUS plan have a caveat, such as the $200 credit toward annual lab testing of your choice. Please see theplan specificson our website for all current benefits.
How does Dr. Brooke Azie-Rentz's and Dr. Kimball's "PLUS Only" patient roster work?
Dr. Brooke and Dr. Kimball’s patient rosters are open to WellnessPLUS patients choosing either of them as their doctor. Dr. Kimball’s patient roster is limited to only 200 people, so that she can provide the level of care an access that her patients have come to expect from her as a specialist in chronic mobility disorders. As the founder, medical director, and Women’s Health and Anti-Aging specialist, Dr. Brooke is now limiting her practice to 200 people total so that she can provide the close personal care that we want for every patient, while expanding the scope of our practice to serve more of our Redmond, Duvall, and other Eastside communities.
With the creation of AIM’s unique Collaborative Care Model, Dr. Brooke leads collaboration and case discussion with our entire team of doctors, ensuring that each patient receives the best possible care we can provide. Lovingly referred to as the “ND Version of the TV Show House”, Dr. Brooke, Dr. Kimball, Dr. Greg, Dr. Evelyn, Dr. Nelson, Dr. Weitz, and all residents and medical staff, all meet to talk through the finer points of complex cases, and to get Dr. Brooke’s perspective on treatment plans and patient care.
Collaborative Care means that no matter who you see at AIM, you get “Dr. Brooke-level” care. And if you want to see Dr. Brooke, herself, pleasecontact her to sign up for her Wellness PLUS waiting list.
Important Concierge Program Details:
- It is at your physician’s discretion whether prescription refills, home visits or a same day visit or next day visit is needed.
- Providers will be available through the portal under the WellnessPLUS Plan, and can in some cases connect with you by phone. In the event that you call your provider and reach voicemail, you are assured a call back that day, usually within an hour or two, by our staff. For calls outside of clinic hours, PLUS patients can use the after hours line to reach their doctor.
- Providers will be available through the patient portal under the WellnessBASIC Plan. Providers strive to answer all emails within 3 business days.
- AIM will abide by all insurance contracts and agreements, however, the scope of a Naturopathic visit goes well beyond what most insurance plans cover. Lifestyle and nutrition advice, home-remedies, and homeopathy, as well as other non-billable topics may be discussed in the course of a visit. Any portion of a visit or topic within a visit that is not expressly covered under the scope of insurance benefits is covered under the scope of this service. Insurance will be billed when applicable for visits.
- $45 Per-Visit Fee guarantees patients all services provided under the scope of the Wellness Basic Plan, for 2 weeks following your visit.
- Under the WellnessPLUS Plan, patients are entitled to a $200 credit toward a specialty lab test of their choice. While there is no long term contract, patients cancelling within 1 year will be billed the full cost of the lab test.
- The PLUS plan offers a 15% discount on cash products and services at AIM. However, certain Aesthetics Services and procedures are not subject to that discount. Those services still do have special PLUS pricing, which is listed individually for each service.
- Children get a reduced rate when their parent or guardian is on a Concierge Wellness Plan. Children whose parent(s) are not patients would pay the “adult” rate.
- Alpine Integrated Medicine Concierge Wellness Policies are the sole property of Alpine Integrated Medicine, LLC. These cannot be used, modified, or adopted by another party without the express written consent of Alpine Integrated Medicine, LLC.
- Alpine Integrated Medicine reserves the right to make pricing changes to these options, should cost of care necessitate a change.
Alpine Integrated Medicine | Redmond, Washington | | (425) 949-5961
© 2015-2025 Alpine Integrated Medicine, LLC.
All language, logos, and intellectual property are the exclusive property of Alpine Integrated Medicine, LLC. Language, logos, and images from this site cannot be reproduced or used except under the express written consent of Alpine Integrated Medicine, LLC.