Financial Information < University of Louisville (2025)

On This Page

  • Financial Settlement
  • Office of Student Financial Aid
  • In-State or Out-of-State Tuition

Financial Settlement

Continuing Registration

Tuition and fees are due on, or before, the designated due date for the semester. Payment Due Dates are noted on the Bursar website. Payment may be made by cash, paper check, money order, or financial aid credit. All electronic check (ACH) or Credit Card payments (transaction fee applies) may only be remitted electronically via ULink. Payments also may be made by mail or at the Office of the Bursar.

For Payment Option information visit:

Failure to receive a Statement of Account will not relieve the student of the responsibility for making financial settlement by the designated due date. Registrations which are not financially settled by the designated due date will be placed on financial hold and affected students will not be permitted to add or swap classes until their student account is financially settled.

The due dates are listed in the current Registration Information newspaper and on the Bursar’s website (Payment Due Dates).

Regular Registration

Students should be prepared to fully settle financial obligations by the last day to drop/add for the semester. Failure to fully settle financial obligations may result in financial penalties.

Financial Settlement Options

Due dates, payment information, and payment plan options for specific semesters are updated regularly on the Bursar's website.

Please address your questions to the Bursar'sOffice by email

Financial Penalties

Students whose accounts are not paid by established semester deadlines may be subject to financial penalties. Students with unpaid account balances will be placed on Financial Hold by the Bursar’s Office. Students placed on Financial Hold become ineligible for further registration and transcripts will not be released until the student account is paid in full.

A late payment fee of $100.00 may be assessed when student accounts are not paid by the last day to drop/add.

A student whose payment is not honored by the bank on which it was drawn may be assessed a return payment fee. If restitution is not made within 10 days of notification, the student may be subject to course cancellation and/or legal action.

Debtors who do not make satisfactory payment arrangements on their past due accounts may have their accounts placed with a collection agency. Students will be responsible to reimburse the University for the fees of any collection agency, which may be based on a percentage of the delinquent account balance (to a maximum of 40 percent of the delinquent account balance), and will also be liable for all reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs and expenses incurred by the University in its collection efforts. The University of Louisville, or associated vendor partners, may also report to the credit bureau organization(s) any information regarding any unpaid obligation.

Withdrawal Policy

The effective withdrawal date is the date on which the withdrawal is processed in the Student Records System. This date is used in calculating any applicable tuition reduction.

More information on withdrawals can be found in the Course Registration Policies section of the undergraduate catalog.

Tuition Reduction

When a student officially withdraws from the University or from any course, or courses, for which hourly tuition rates apply, tuition and student activity fee charges will be adjusted according to the tuition reduction schedule printed in theRegistration Information newspaper. The full amount of tuition/fee charges for the semester will be due unless the withdrawal occurs during the tuition reduction period. The tuition reduction schedule for each semester is available on the Bursar’s website(Tuition Adjustment Schedule).

This policy applies to all tuition and student activity fees except for nonrefundable deposits. Course fees, special fees, and laboratory fees are reduced only with the 100% adjustment.

Financial Aid Recipients

Determinations regarding refunds of resulting credit balances will be based on regulations governing the financial aid awarded to the student. Federal regulations mandate that students have the right to cancel all or a portion of an EFT loan.

To request cancellation of all or a portion of your loan, contact the Financial Aid Office in writing:

Financial Aid Office
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292

Office of Student Financial Aid

The Office of Student Financial Aid serves prospective students, current students, and their parents with financial aid questions and needs.

Call center: (502) 852-5511
Campus location: 110 Houchens Building, Belknap Campus


On the Student Financial Aid website, visitors can access the following:

  • Term-specific information on aid disbursement, residual funds, and financial aid advances;
  • Financial aid news and upcoming important dates;
  • Aid application and processing instructions;
  • Award sources and types;
  • UofL and outside scholarship postings;
  • Consumer information.

Email Service Account

Send your email questions to For specific account information, current students must email the office from their UofL account.

Call Center

Contact the call center at (502) 852-5511 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. On Thursdays, the call center opens at 11:00 a.m.

This service is intended to assist prospective students, current students, and parents with their general financial aid questions. We ensure students' privacy by not disclosing account-specific information. Current students should have their student ID number ready when calling.

Office Hours

The Student Financial Aid Office provides walk-in counseling to both current and prospective students Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

On Thursdays, the office and call center are open from 11:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m.

Check the Student Financial Aid Office website for special hours during the August and January class registration periods.

In-State or Out-of-State Tuition

Initial Determination and Deadline to Appeal

The initial determination of residency statusis made duringtheadmission process. Once admitted, students will continue to be billed at the resident or nonresident rate each semester for the duration of their enrollment, unless an appeal has been approved by the Residency Appeals Office. A status may be appealed by filing an affidavit and documentation with the Registrar’s office no later than 30 calendar days after the first day of classes of the term for which a determination of residency status is requested. Academic calendars are available on the university web site and with the Offices of Admission.

Pursuant to the residency regulation, 13 KAR 2:045, an institution may set other deadlines for submission of other information required by the institution in a determination of residency status. Information packets are available from theresidency website.

Special procedures may apply to students entering a University of Louisville professional program (DMD, JD, or MD). Please contact the office of admissions within your professional school for details on residency determination and appeal processing.

Statutory reference: Sections 13 and 14 of 13 KAR 2:045. Effective February 21, 2007.

Applications for Change in Residency Status and Appeals

Application for change in residency classification for purpose of tuition and fee assessment by a student enrolled in or an applicant to a program at the University of Louisville (“University”) shall be made in writing to the residency appeals officer for initial consideration along with such information forms as the residency appeals officer may specify. The application for a change in residency classification must be filed no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the first day of classes of the academic term for which the change is requested. Appeals of residency determinations shall be based on administrative regulations promulgated by the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education. A written appeal of the decision of the residency appeals officer must be postmarked no later than fourteen calendar days from the date of receipt of notification of the residency appeals officer’s written decision.

The Residency Review Committee is appointed by the executive vice presidentand provost (or designee) and shall be composed of four faculty and/or staff members and one student. The chairperson shall be elected by the committee. The faculty and/or staff members normally shall have staggered two-year appointments; the student member shall have a one-year appointment. The committee shall have authority to establish procedural rules and schedule meetings. A quorum shall consist of three members, and a quorum shall be necessary for committee action.

The Residency Review Committee shall consider appeals from applicants whose initial request for change in residency status has been denied by the residency appeals officer based upon the applicant’s written appeal and the file in that matter to the extent provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 1974 (FERPA). The applicant shall be notified in writing as to the committee’s decision.

If the decision of the committee is adverse to the applicant, the applicant may request a formal hearing by submitting a written request to the executive vice presidentand provost (or designee). This request must be postmarked no later than fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of receipt of notification of the committee’s written decision.

The executive vice presidentand provost (or designee) shall appoint a hearing officer from outside the University to preside over formal residency hearings. Formal hearings shall be arranged based on a timely request from the applicant. The formal hearing shall provide for due process, including notice of hearing, examination of the information on which the University decision is based, and the right of an applicant to be represented by legal counsel and to present information and testimony in support of a claim of Kentucky residency. Hearing procedures will be consistent with 13 KAR 2:045.

The hearing officer shall make a report with findings of fact and a recommendation to the executive vice presidentand provost (or designee) with a copy to the applicant. The executive vice presidentand provost (or designee) will decide the appeal on the record on behalf of the University and the Board of Trustees and will notify the applicant in writing within thirty days of receipt of the hearing officer’s report. In the event the decision of the executive vice presidentand provost (or designee) is not in accord with the recommendation and findings of the hearing officer’s report, a written explanation will be provided to the applicant.

Council on Postsecondary Education Administrative Regulation

Relates to: KRS Chapter 13B, 164.020, 164.030, 164A.330(6).

Necessity, Function, And Conformity

KRS 164.020(8) requires the Council on Postsecondary Education to determine tuition and approve the minimum qualifications for admission to a state-supported postsecondary education institution and authorizes the council to set different tuition amounts for residents of Kentucky and for nonresidents. This administrative regulation establishes the procedure and guidelines for determining the residency status of a student who is seeking admission to, or who is enrolled at, a state-supported post-secondary education institution.

Financial Information < University of Louisville (2025)
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.