Gamers go wild for the ten best Metroidvanias selling for pennies on Steam (2025)

THE Steam Summer Sale is well under way, but with thousands of games on offer it can be hard to find what you want.

If you’re into Metroidvanias, then join the club, as we’ve picked out the best games with the biggest discounts just for you.


These games are perfect for long sessions on PC, or on the go with your Steam Deck.

Here are our Metroidvania picks from the Steam Summer Sale 2023.

Dead Cells – Steam Summer Sale 2023

This one is not only a Metroidvania but also a roguelike, where you earn permanent upgrades that you can carry throughout each playthrough.

Boss battles are difficult, but once you learn the patterns, they are incredibly satisfying.

Explore the procedurally generated castle and take down enemies in a punishing platformer with no checkpoints.

Dead Cells is currently 50% off and can be grabbed for just £10.99 / $12.49.

Hollow Knight – Steam Summer Sale 2023

One of the best Metroidvanias in recent years, Hollow Knight challenges you to explore a sprawling underground world.

Boss battles are explosive, but not too punishing, and you will be rewarded the more areas you explore.

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It feels like there is endless content, with hidden bosses and areas at every turn.

Hollow Knight is available for 50% off and can be picked up for just £6.39 / $7.49.

Tunic – Steam Summer Sale 2023

Tunic is the only 3D game on the list, and features both challenging combat and puzzle solving.

If you want to focus more on the puzzles, it also has numerous approachable options for taking less damage.

The mysteries at the heart of Tunic are some of the hardest ever in gaming, and so satisfying to uncover.

Tunic is now 30% off and is available for just £17.49 / $20.99.

Ori and the Will of the Wisps – Steam Summer Sale 2023

One of the better known recent Metroidvanias, The Will of the Wisps is the long awaited and improved sequel to The Blind Forest.

Platforming is tighter, and with more powers to use and areas to explore, Ori is better than ever.

The original is also on sale, so pick both up for the full Ori experience.

Ori and the Will of the Wisps is currently 75% off and can be grabbed for just £6.34 / $7.49.

Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights – Steam Summer Sale 2023

Another challenging game that has made the list, Ender Lilies rewards careful combat and weapon synergies.

With numerous ways to build your character, you gain the powers of the bosses you defeat.

Fitting your loadout to who you are fighting, you’ll keep experimenting until you find the right fit.

Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights is discounted to 50% off and can be picked up for just £10.99 / $12.49.

Salt and Sanctuary – Steam Summer Sale 2023

Famous for being “Dark Souls in 2D”, Salt and Sanctuary brings platforming to the difficult but fair combat genre.

With a focus on the difficult bosses, just finding and reaching each one from the checkpoints can be almost as hard as the boss itself.

If you’re not into the Dark Souls games, it’s worth trying this one just for a different take on the genre.

Salt and Sanctuary is one of the biggest bargains at 75% off and can be purchased for just £3.39 / $13.59.

The Messenger – Steam Summer Sale 2023

Copying heavily from Ninja Gaiden, The Messenger mixes the best of retro game styles.

Changing pace halfway through, it never stops surprising you with new bosses and interesting level designs.

Go in knowing nothing, and you will enjoy The Messenger all the more.

The Messenger is also available at 75% off and can be grabbed for just £4.18 / $4.99.

Timespinner – Steam Summer Sale 2023

An underappreciated entry to the genre, Timespinner has amazing world design and varied combat.

Not as difficult as many other games on the list, you can combine two different weapons and a familiar with different benefits.

Another game where it’s best to change up your playstyle to suit each challenge, Timespinner never gets boring.

Timespinner is currently at 70% off and can be picked up for £4.49 / $5.99.

SteamWorld Dig 1 + 2 – Steam Summer Sale 2023

An interesting design where you dig down to find new levels rather than unlock new powers, there is less focus on bosses here.

Instead you have to focus on puzzle solving, as you manage resources the further you go, and create the platforms you need.

Another one on the easier side, this is the perfect pick for Metroidvania novices.

Both SteamWorld Dig games can be picked up for a massive 82% off at just £4.12 / $5.99

Scourgebringer – Steam Summer Sale 2023

Scourgebringer has the slickest movement options of any Metroidvania I’ve ever played.

Taking on enemies in both the air and on the ground, you time together your attacks to move between each quickly.

While it is also perhaps the most difficult on the list, options that let you have more health or slow down the motion help to ease you into the action.

Scourgebringer is available for 65% off and can be bought for £4.72 / $5.94.

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Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.

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Gamers go wild for the ten best Metroidvanias selling for pennies on Steam (2025)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.